Saturday, July 18, 2009

Change of Plans...

We are changing our plans, and instead of staying in Naples, we are moving to Rome tommorow night. We visited the Plaza's today, because we arrived a day early because of the ferry bookings, and therefore are staying in Napoli, today July 18th.

Anyways, tommorow we will go to Pompei, and Mount Vesuvius, and then we take a train at night to a hotel in Rome which we have already reserved.

The motive for this is, spoken simply, if you have been to Calidonia in Panama, this place is worse. We are constantly warned by the hostel of being robbed and the likes, so we are essentially just going to Rome, where there is alot more to see, and it seems like a much better place.

Cheers from Naples, a not so happy place haha,



  1. H Alex and Daniel

    Sounds like a sensible thing to do - a good move. Some news from the other side of the planet, (I checked and it was not on the front page of La Stampa there....) , Panama was knocked out of the Copa D'Oro ( 2-1 loss v USA...) Last goal as a penalty so they did pretty well I would say! The remaining part of the Turnbull clan just regrouped in rainswept UK - Gemma had been in Geneva with Victor, we had been in France. They say, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". Since this also probably include things which are illegal in most other parts of the galaxy, take care and have a good time.

  2. Hi there, How nice that you can be flexible with your plans and move on to Rome soon. On the other hand, how interesting that you will be able to visit Pompeii! Take a picture and post it, okay? I don't know if you're in touch with William...he and Charles just got to Ibiza today, still in one piece!
    Muchos saludos to both of you from rainy Panama.
