Wednesday, July 8, 2009

And then there were three.

I have already talked to both William and Philippe. Last time I talked to William he was in the train station, and Philippe is already in the Amsterdam Airport. Philippe arrives to Panama at 4-5pm. He leaves Schipol Airport (Amsterdam) at 1:25pm, his flight number is KL0757.

We arrived at Crete, and it seems to be a promising city, the prices seem to be rather cheap, and we are back to using Euros. (Prague used Krones or smtn)

Alex and Correa are taking a small nap and I will probably head over to do the same, but we are doing fine, we have found a good place to stay, here are the details:

It is called Castello City Hotel, we get a 3 bedroom room, and a bathroom, for 80 euros a night (approximately 27.30 Euros each), which was around the same if not cheaper than a hostal cost, and its a good place to rest.

We are still unsure of how we will travel around the islands, but that we will figure out as we venture into Crete.

Until later,


  1. Hi Guys

    I just checked the weather - seems you are enjoying 27C there in Southern Europe. So now on the second half of your journey, from here on in you can expect it to be blue skies and hot - enjoy it and use the sun screen. Thanks for keeping us all updated. Though we didn't comment so much on the blog to date, be sure we are reading every day and looking forward to getting the news. Was a really nice pic. of you altogether there in Prague.

    As a member of the older generation, and living in the cyber wilderness since we do not do facebook, I expect by now that you have been in contact with friends about your IB and exam scores - we are sure congratulations all round are deserved and given- well done to you all.

    We are just about to leave the UK, headed for France. After a few days of glorious weather, the rain and wind have returned to paint the London sky that typically British grey.

    Let us know how your travel plans for getting around the islands develop. There are a million ferries if you have to "slum it", and all of them can potentially lead you to a wonderful island in a clear blue sea, so don't spend too much time sleeping....

    and just a warning about some of the local drinks like Ouzo or Metaxa - I remember it is like tequila mixed with drain cleaner but 10 times worse in the morning, so be careful.

    Take care


  2. I'll be sure to try the Ouzo and Metaxa then?

    Haha, thanks for writing, yes the blue skies are absolutely fabulous!

